Biography: Professor Zengtao Chen is a tenured professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Alberta. He got his first PhD in solid mechanics from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1995 and second PhD in mechanical engineering from University of Waterloo in 2004. He has been a faculty member at Harbin Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University and University of New Brunswick prior to the current position. He is an elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME). Dr. Chen’s research areas include Mechanics of Materials, Materials Modelling, and Damage and Fracture Mechanics. His recent interests are in multiscale modelling of deformation and damage evolution in metal forming processes, advanced thermal stress analysis of smart materials and structures, and composite structures. Dr. Chen has published more than 280 journal papers, three books, and numerous conference papers, and delivered over 100 keynote and invited speeches at International conferences and institutions.
Biography: Prof. Dr. Weizong received double Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in Xi’an (China) and University of Liverpool (United Kingdom) in 2013. After that, he worked at Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology and studied advanced spacecraft propulsion. In 2015, he entered the PLASMANT research group at the University of Antwerp in Belgium supported by the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowship and studied plasma based gases conversion into value added products. After some postdoctoral research years, he became a professor of space propulsion in 2018 at Beihang University. He is currently Dean of School of Astronautics at Beihang University. He is also the head of the Advanced Space Propulsion and Energy Laboratory (ASPEL). His current research activities include the fundamental physics, chemistry and applications of low temperature plasmas, by numerical modelling and experiments, for various applications, especially space propulsion and energy conversion applications. He is author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and gave more than 40 invited talks at academic conferences. He is serving as advisory board member of IOP Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics and editors of several journals including Space: Science & Technology、Chinese Space Science and Technology、Gas Physics and guest editor for 3 special issues in journals.
王伟宗,北京航空航天大学教授,博士生导师,宇航学院院长,欧盟玛丽·居里学者,国家级青年人才计划入选者,教育部优秀青年团队培育项目负责人,主要从事航天器空间电推进、火箭发动机技术等的研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金、国防科工局基础科研项目、基础加强重点项目课题等,主编专著1部,授权发明专利19项,登记软件著作权6项,在Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer、Acta Astronautica、Plasma Sources Sci. Technol · 等期刊发表论文100余篇,担任国际期刊Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics国际顾问委员会委员以及Space: Science & Technology、《中国空间科学技术》、《气体物理》等期刊编委,应邀在国内外学术会议上做特邀报告40多次,荣获中国国家专利优秀奖、IOP 中国高被引用论文奖以及2018亚太等离子体和太赫兹国际会议杰出论文奖、第五届IEEE电力能源国际会议最佳论文奖、中国电推进学术研讨会以及中国“高电压与放电等离子体”会议优秀论文奖等。
Biography: Dr. Jinhao Qiu is currently is the Changjiang Chair Professor at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He received the Bachelor and Master degrees in mechanical engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, in 1983 and 1986 respectively, and the PhD degree in mechanical engineering from Tohoku University, Japan in 1996. He was a research associate from 1986 to 1989 and lecturer 1990 to 1991 at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was a faculty member at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University from 1992 to 2006, where he was a research associate from 1992 to 1998, an assistant professor 1998 to 2000, an associate professor from 2000 to 2004 and a professor from 2004 to 2006. Since March, 2006, he is a Changjiang Chair Professor at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In 2011, he was selected to “The Recruitment Program of Global Experts”. His main research interest is smart materials and structural systems, including development of piezoelectric materials and devices, vibration and noise control, structural health monitoring, and non-destructive testing. He has published more than 350 journal papers (including more than 300 SCI-indexed journal papers), 12 review papers, and more than 260 conference papers. He has also received 8 awards, including the 2002 Annual Dynamics, Measurement and Control Awards for Pioneering Achievements in the research of smart materials and structural systems from The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. He became the ASME Fellow in 2014.
南京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授、973首席科学家、ASME Fellow,现任机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室副主任。
1979年南京航空航天大学机械系入学,1983年和1986年分别获南京航空航天大学工学学士和硕士学位,后留校任教。1991年赴日本东北大学流体科学研究所担任助教,1996年获得日本东北大学工学博士学位,并继续在流体科学研究任讲师、副教授。2004年任日本东北大学教授,是该校第一位华人正教授。2006年起,全职回南京航空航天大学任教。 团队现有专任教师5名,博士后1名,带领团队先后获得了国防科工委创新团队称号和教育部“长江学者创新团队”的称号。先后承担973、863、国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目、总装预研等项目。已发表期刊论文400余篇,其中SCI收录240余篇,他引2000余次;参编著作5部;先后获日本机械学会杰出成就奖、教育部科技进步奖、国防科技技术发明奖、江苏省科学技术奖等各类研究奖项10余项。申请国家发明专利50余项,已获授权30项(日本发明专利6项)。本人担任智能材料与结构的国际国内会议的主席或者组织委员会委员40余次,做各类邀请报告50余次;现为Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures副主编,International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics等7种国内外期刊副主编或编委。
研究方向: 面向国家航空航天等战略需求,以先进飞行器为主要载体,针对智能结构的建模、分析、测试与控制等问题,以力学与控制、信息和材料等学科的交叉融合为特色,发展智能材料与结构的新理论、新方法和新技术,提升我国先进飞行器,以及复杂机械系统的研究水平。长期致力于探索智能材料与智能结构领域的前沿,在工程力学、材料科学与工程、飞行器设计与工程、功能材料、仪器科学与技术等学科都有着深入的研究。目前已形成两个主要的研究方向:智能结构系统的设计与应用和功能材料、器件的制备与加工。设立了五个研究小组:结构健康监测、结构无损检测、结构减振降噪、自适应结构和新型功能材料与器件。
Speech Title: Fatigue Life Prediction of Composite Structures Based on Laser Ultrasonic Technique and Neural Network
Abstract: The fatigue of composite materials is featured by both macroscale crack growth and microscale crack accumulation. Usually the fatigue of composites induced by microscale crack accumulation is more difficult to evaluate because of their small size and large number. In our study, the laser ultrasonic technique is used to characterize fatigue damages accumulation in composite laminates under cyclic loadings. A stiffness/velocity degradation model is proposed based on three distinctive damage mechanisms: fiber breakage, matrix cracks and delamination, all of which are always involved in fatigue damage process. In order to reduce the complexity of the damage model, fiber damage is treated as an independent damage and delamination is coupled with matrix cracks. An approximation of shear-lag model is then proposed to avoid any direct measurements of crack density for it is highly impractical in real applications. The fatigue damages were then characterized using the proposed damage model with the measured velocity of ultrasonic wave. A statistical model and a neural network model for stiffness degradation were also established and its ability to predict residual life cycles of composite materials was validated with good accuracy in the fatigue test. A new type of neural cohesive element was also proposed for simulation of macroscale delamination growth in composite laminate. The fatigue life of composite materials was predicted with relatively high precision based on both the neural network model for stiffness degradation and the neural cohesive element for simulation of delamination growth.
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