Call for Papers

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to those topics as below.


 Aerospace Mechatronics and Avionics Systems

Aerospace robotics and mechatronics

Aircraft systems

Aircraft design concepts

Emerging avionics technology Instrumentation and Control Engineering Integrated systems Design

Navigation systems

Novel aero engines

Spacecraft avionics systems, subsystems and technologies

Satellite Systems

Sensors and Actuators

Unmanned aircraft technologies

 Dynamics and Model Analysis in Aerospace

Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics

Aerodynamic’s fundamental concepts

Applied aerodynamics and fluid mechanics

Computational fluid dynamics

High-speed Aerodynamics


Industrial Aerodynamics

Aerodynamic forces and structural flexibility


Experimental Stress Analysis

Computational Mechanics

Advanced theoretical models

 Mechanical Engineering in Aerospace

Aerostructures and composites

Aeroelasticity and loads

Orbital Mechanics and Mission Design

Order Reduction and Control of Vibrating Systems

Solid Mechanics and Materials

Topological Synthesis of Mechanisms


Aircraft Vibration and Aeroelasticity


 Heat Transfer and Applications in Space Engineering

Boiling and condensation in variable gravity

Gas-liquid two-phase flow in variable gravity

Heat and Mass Transfer

Thermal radiation in the space environment

Thermal management and protection

Heat pipes for thermal management

Heat transfer mechanics

Phase change phenomenon under microgravity

Nuclear Reactors

 Communication Systems and Technologies in Aerospace

Aircraft Navigation

Astronomical Image Processing

Communications techniques

Estimation & detection theory

Geoscience & remote sensing

Ground Support System

Interactivity via satellite

Path Planning and Navigation

Ionospheric Techniques

 Aerospace Engineering and Management

Air Transport System

UAS Transportation Management (UTM)

Airport Management and Operations

Aircraft Maintenance Management

Project Management

Transport Management

Managing Creativity and Innovation

Aviation Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design

 Emerging Techniques in Aerospace Controls

Advanced flight controls

Adaptive flight estimation and control

Aerial robot manipulators

Agile visual control and state estimation

Nonlinear flight optimization

Attitude maneuver control

Autonomous flight control

Sliding mode observer-controller design

Model predictive control




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